Gigi: Qualifications, Memberships, Courses
Born 1936 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Professional title: Fiorella Gatti-Doyle M.A. Dip NACHP, ANLP, UKCP reg

1983 |
Diploma Course in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) [1st in UK] |
1984 |
Middlesex Polytechnic: Certificate in Counselling [Freudian Psychodynamics, Rogerian Client-Centred Therapy, George Kelly's Personal Construct Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, Karen Horney, Group Counselling, Existentialist Therapy] [The practice of Counselling Skills: attending, empathy, genuineness, respect, concreteness of expression, immediacy, confrontation.] |
1985 |
PCP International Congress Churchill College, Cambridge [Workshop] |
1986 |
Advanced Diploma in Neuro-Linguistic Programming |
1987 |
Course in Therapeutic Hypnosis & Psychotherapy at the School of Hypnosis & Advanced Psychotherapy |
1988 |
Member Society of Advanced Psychotherapy Practitioners : M.S.A.P.P |
1990 |
Clinical Member of the Universities Psychotherapy Association |
1991 |
Antioch University: MA in Psychology of Therapy and Counselling Registered with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) |
1992 |
Director of Psychotherapy at the Centre for Personal Construct Psychology [PCP] |
1993 |
Full Member of the National Association of Counsellors, Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists London College of Clinical Hypnosis: Obsessive Compulsive Disorders Course at Birkbeck Royal Society of Medicine: Workshop - 'Challenging Restrictive Beliefs' |
1994 |
ANLP: Validated Psychotherapist at the Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming |
1995 |
11th International Congress on PCP, Barcelona Workshop: 'Dreams & Other Stories - Introspection & Reconstruction' |
1996 |
University of Trieste, Italy: Seminars - 'Dream Processing from Freud to Langs'. Visiting Lecturer, Universities of Turin & Venice |
1997 |
Founding Member of European Society for Communicative Psychotherapy Visiting Lecturer & Course Tutor, School of Psychotherapy & Counselling, Regent's College, London. Short Courses in Self-Processing. |
1998 |
Co-Founder & Tutor Greek Island Seminars: 'Conscious & Unconscious Communication'. Tutor & Visiting Lecturer, New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling [see Prospectus Entry] |
1999 |
Above continued. Supervision & Therapy in private practice contd. |
2000 |
Founder, Centre for Self-Analysis, Lake Garda, Italy |
2002 |
Diploma in Teaching in Adult and Higher Education, Birkbeck, University of London |