Tributes to Gigi
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One Year On...
From Kathy
It's a wonderful dedication that you have given her Terry and its brings back such bitter sweet memories of her. As it is early spring and so beautiful in Brockwood I am remembering the lovely times we had and how much I enjoyed being with you both, and the comfort and friendship you also gave me. I am reminded of Gigi so often and in so many different ways - her concern and sweetness, her lovely laugh - and I still have a perfume that she wore and gave me that is so much her.
From Jean
I printed out all of the web site and gave it to Mum, some of it she may understand - Mum has dementia and no short-term memory, sadly her long term memory is receding. Mum cannot remember much of the last 12 years but she remembers Gigi - how could anyone ever forget her incredible "presence"? Gigi was very special to Mum and to me, I wish I had known Gigi in latter years. I am a qualified Therapeutic Counsellor, practising in England now and maybe in Southern Ireland next year. I would love to know more about her work in later years and shall continue to look at the web site as it grows...
From Mike & Valerie
Thank you for the card in remembrance of Gigi. We visited Gigi's website and found it very moving. It brought back memories of how warm and friendly Gigi always was, and how much she wanted to do as much as she could to help and understand other people.
From Silvana
I've just opened the post and there she was, your lovely Gigi, looking so beautiful and smiling to us who remember her with great fondness... In Gigi's memory I have, today, established a monthly donation to Macmillan Cancer Relief.
From Bernard & Anita
Thank you Terry. She was and is an angel.
From Barbie
The beautiful card you made for Gigi arrived this morning and I went straight to the website. What a wonderful, living memorial to a wonderful person who lives on in all of those of us who knew and loved her.
From Diana
Thank you so much for sending through the In Memoriam card with a picture of lovely Gigi plus the website address which I have just finished visiting. It is a fitting memorial for such a wonderful person and it was good to feel the love that so many people had for Gigi shining through in their tributes. The site is beautifully laid out and how nice to see the various pictures of Gigi enjoying the sun and the beauty of the surroundings.
From Scott
What a wonderful site this is, and what a great tribute to Gigi! I have been through every part of this site and loved it all - the pictures of Gigi, the art, and, of course, the wonderful things that people said about Gigi; but they could never be fullsome enough. Krishnaji used to say that, "The word is not the thing," and as lovely as the words are about Gigi, they pale by comparison to my memory of her.
From Chris
News has just reached me of Gigi's death. It was a devastating thing to hear. The sunshine and spirit and life and optimism I felt in her company must have affected everyone she met in the same way. I've read the contents of your marvellous, moving website and that is clearly the case.
This is just to say how saddened I was to hear. I join with your and Gigi's many friends in your memories on this anniversary.
From Vivienne
Although I hadn't managed to see as much of her as I would have liked she was always bubbling over with vitality and joy and I find it difficult to believe we won't see her again.
From Roberto
È stato per me un privilegio conoscere, anche se per breve tempo, Fiorella. Penso alle telefonate intercorse fra noi, a quando ci siamo incontrati. La Sua disponibilità e la Sua grazia, la Sua accettazione degli altri, chepotevi legger Le negli occhi, sono stati bellissimi regali.
It was a privilege for me to know Fiorella (Gigi), albeit briefly. I still think of our phone conversations and meetings together. Her openness and grace, her acceptance of others, which you could read in her eyes, were beautiful gifts to us all.
From Luciana
Niente più può ancora essere aggiunto a quanto gia scritto da chi ha conosciuto Fio negli ultimi quarant'anni.
Io invece ho nel cuore il dolcissimo ricordo del nostro primo incontro, a Londra, nell'ormai lontanissimo 20 ottobre dell'anno 1955.
Provenienti da località diverse d'Italia eravamo appena giunte a Londra, per studio, e li il destino ci ha fatte incontrare. Da quel primo nostro incontro è nata una grande amicizia ed un affetto fortissimo. Fio è stata per me una preziosissima compagna di svaghi, di studio, di crescita formativa ed intellettuale. La vita ha separato le nostre strade per alcuni anni ma il ricordo era costante. Ci siamo poi riviste ed ho ritrovato in un istante la dolce, serena, affettuosa amica di un tempo. Mi manchi tanto Fio, mi manca la tua cara voce sempre serena anche durante la tua terribile malattia, pronta a minimizzare le tue sofferenze per interessarti alla mia salute, a parlarmi di Terry, della vostra nuova vita in Italia, sempre forte e positiva nel guardare al futuro.
Non potremo più sentirci, ma ti sentirò sempre vicina e sarai sempre nel mio cuore, ciao, piccola dolcissima Fio.
Nothing more can be added to all the things written by people who have known Gigi (Fio, as I've always called her) in the last forty years.
But I keep in my heart the sweet sweet memory of our very first meeting, in London, on the now distant day of October 20, 1955.
Coming from different corners of Italy we had both just arrived in London, to study, when fate brought us together. From that first encounter was born a great friendship and the deepest fondness for each other. Fio was for me such a precious companion to have fun with, to study, to grow together with, both emotionally and intellectually. Life separated our paths for many years but the memory was always there, steadfast and constant.
Then we met up again and I instantly re-discovered the sweet, serene, affectionate friend of years gone by.
I miss you so much Fio, I miss your dear voice, always so serene - even during your terrible illness how ready you always were to minimize your own suffering, asking about my health, talking to me about Terry, about your new life in Italy, always strong and positive as you looked to the future.
We won't be hearing from each other again, but I will always feel you close to me. You will always be in my heart. Ciao, my sweet little Fio.
From Anna
Cara amica mia,
cosė eterea e allo stesso tempo cosė terrena.
Ancora mi rivolgo a te e al tuo sorriso quando ho bisogno di conforto, consiglio, affetto. Ancora sento la tua presenza, forte, ancora mi accompagni.
Ti guardo, come sei bella con la tua folta chioma color rame, e che sorriso azzurro hai. Con te ho conosciuto una persona vera, autentica, forte e dolce insieme, un modello di riferimento.
Sarai per sempre con me, nei miei ricordi, nel mio cuore, nella mia anima.
My dear friend, so ethereal and yet so down to earth. I still turn to you and your smile when I need comfort, advice or affection. I still feel your presence, so strong, beside me.
I look at you, with your beautiful, thick, copper-coloured head of hair, and that sky-blue smile of yours, and I know that in you I knew someone genuine and true, someone both strong yet gentle, someone to turn to at all times.
You'll always be with me, in my memories, in my heart and in my soul.
From Maureen
I have just found this site and have been totally mesmerized by it. I heard about your sad loss last year and wrote to your old address but you probably didn't receive it.
I overheard a conversation in our Psychology department and realised that the Gigi they were talking about was your wife.
The same person showed me this site and I have read it many times. I only met Gigi briefly at the funerals of your parents but what wonderful tributes your friends and colleagues have given her - What a remarkable person she must have been. How many of us can expect this kind of tribute when we pass over - not many I think.
With love and affection for all the old times.
From Valerie
I thought your memorial website for Gigi was beautiful. Thank you so much for letting me know about it. I think of her very often. She was my best friend for so many years.