Tributes to Gigi
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From Scott
Gigi was a very special person who touched both Kathy and me, so I am sure she must have been important to many others. She was notable for her openness, sweetness, kindness and profound interest in Krishnamurti.
From Margarita
Gigi was such a sweet and gentle woman, who only did good to people... and so courageous and strong during her illness. How very cruel life is.
From Ernesto
Gigi was an unstinting supporter of the School (of Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regent's College) and it was always a pleasure to see her when she came over to arrange courses or to meet up with friends and colleagues.
I will always think of her as a person who loved life and who, through her being, always managed to remind those of us who were too deeply caught up in various types of administration and bureaucratic nonsense, and were suffering for it that day, that we knew better than that and that there was a much more valuable world beckoning us to join in on the fun. That gift is a special gift and I will always be grateful to Gigi for being one of those lucky few who possessed it and offered it freely.
Gigi remains in my heart, and in the hearts of all of us who knew her here at the School, as a vibrant being, bursting with warmth and commitment and humour.
We were honoured by her presence and mourn your loss with you.
From Kate
Although I knew Gigi for a comparatively short time she always made me feel I was with an old friend, because of her warmth, her humour and her kindness.
From Sally
I shall always remember her as a warm and vibrant person, and someone very special to Valerie.
From Jill
We all remember Gigi's sweet nature and all her many acts of kindness.
From Barbie
We must all hold onto the fact that she made the life of everyone she touched richer - far richer.
From Jonnie
I want to thank you for creating with me an opportunity for learning and growth which has been and is of great value to me; for providing your judicious presence in which you have been indefatigable, despite your own existential, physical and emotional challenge-of-all-challenges during 2002.
Abbiamo visto nascere e crescere tanti fiori bellissimi. Grazie di tutto. Un fortissimo abbraccio con tanto, tanto affetto.
We have together watched the birth and growth of so many beautiful flowers. Thank you for everything. A big big hug, with lots and lots of affection.
From Mary
She touched my life and the lives of others in a very special way and I mourn her with you.
From Louise and Jim
There are no words to be said, there are feelings that can't be explained - to lose one's love... our good friend find happiness and peace... goodbye dear Gigi we will meet again...
From Pierre, Julia, Tashi
Gigi, you will stay forever in our minds and in our hearts.
From Janice and Amadeo
We will miss Gigi, her courage and her aura of serenity.
Marion & Howard
I'll never forget her leaning over me with a box of chocolates after my back operation, such a kindness.
From Maura
I have such wonderful memories of Gigi: her warmth & generosity to me.