Tributes to Gigi
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From Simon
I am so sorry to hear Gigi is no longer in this world.
She is in the sky above and around you, shining down her rays of compassionate light and giving you her support and blessing. She is looking at you with a greater love and understanding.
From Max
That is such sad news. I only met Gigi four or five times and she was so very sweet, bright and full of grace. On each occasion she raised my spirits and the spirits of those around her.
From Valentina
Ho avuto modo di conoscere Fiorella in un'unica meravigliosa occasione e sempre ne serbero il ricordo. Un giorno intenso, breve a pur cosi' impresso nella mente.
La ricorderemo sempre nel suo dolce sorriso.
I got to know Fiorella (Gigi) on one marvellous occasion and I will always treasure the memory. An intense day, brief and yet engraved on my mind.
We'll remember her forever with her sweet smile...
From Tony
Gigi was a wonderful, life-enhancing presence. At a personal level, I have many memories of her adding 'joie de vivre' to the 'Avventura' years and the years that followed; but most of all I am reminded of all the enhancement she clearly afforded you with her support and understanding.
From Andrew
Tracy and I loved Gigi the first time we ever met. You could feel her presence, love for life and radiant personality before she said a word.
I don't find it easy to speak to people, so don't most of the time, but Gigi made me feel so at ease I could rattle on for hours... this world has lost a beautiful life...
From Julian
I was profoundly upset at the news. She always wore a smile and that is a rarity in itself.
From Franz
How much I will miss her, I can not express in words. She was so creative and inspired and had such a good effect on her friends. How fondly I look back on our times together.
From Alistair
I love you both a great deal. You both represent the spirit that makes it worth fighting for a better world.
From Valerie
Dear, beautiful, beloved Gigi...
From Catherine
Gigi was full of half-sentences - as if too modest to finish a thought out loud. Too afraid of making a mistake, of seeming bossy or opinionated. In her job she could easily have laid down the law, laid down principles, been emphatic - instead she was 'vaporosa' like a cloud... she had quite a lot of mystery, to hold us all spell-bound with.
From Robert
She was such a lovely, humble, devoted colleague and I simply can't take in the fact that she is no longer. My papa always said 'no one is truly dead as long as he is remembered'.
From Bob
Gigi was for me the spirit of life. It's hard for me to imagine that she's gone. I can picture her so vividly, I can't convince myself it's true.
From Colin
I can't express how sorry I am to hear about Gigi. She was lovely, lively and everything you could ever hope for in a partner and wife. I can only dimly imagine how you feel.
You are, and she was, someone we are proud to call friends.