Tributes to Gigi
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From Pat
Gigi's funeral was beautiful, the planning impeccable - she would have been proud.
From Christiane
Quoi dire? Je pense a toi et je suis triste avec toi. C'est difficile a comprendre; il faut etre patient, fort... et la vie continue...
From William and Noriko
We were fortunate to know something of her brave and shining personality. Gigi really was saint-like, and you have been lucky to have one another for all these years. We too can never forget her. We have such wonderful memories of your open-hearted home. And all the people there...
From Rick
I can only picture her in full health, broad smile, with so generous a nature, still, calm and always happy.
I treasure those moments I shared with her, and will miss our 'chance encounters' on Paxos.
From Diana
I cannot tell you how devastated I was to hear your terribly sad news - all of us here send you our condolences and love.
Gigi was a truly beautiful person, both in body and spirit, and I know you will miss her desperately. I am just so sad that she lost her battle and know that you would have been a great comfort and support to her during her illness. She will never leave your heart, but life will seem terribly empty without such a wonderful person.
From Chris
I only met Gigi the one time when we spent that great week together in Rome, and yet I always felt that I knew her so well. That's because she always made me feel so comfortable and relaxed in her company - she had such a loving nature.
I will always remember that natural talent she seemed to have for making people feel at ease with the filming, and how much they seemed to actually enjoy the experience because of her calming words. A great week which I will never forget - cherished memories.
From Kathy
Words can't say how shocked I am even though I knew Gigi seemed not to be getting better. I am so so very sorry to see such a beautiful woman and human being suffer so much, be so positive with what must have been a terrible and debilitating illness. I will and do think of her, dear Terry. I can't forget her. Such sweetness and such strength of character, so much love for you - as she said, her guardian angel. The loss for you can't be imagined. Your love for her so enormous. A lovely, loving couple.
I will hold the two of you in my heart.
From Marina
22 marzo 2003
Amica mia cara, sapevo che sarebbe successo ed infatti oggi sei andata via, come per un viaggio lunghissimo. Ci hai lasciati spaesati all'idea di dover continuare a cercare noi stessi senza piu' le tue parole e i tuoi sguardi azzurri, cosi' limpidi e cosi' profondi.
Ciao Gigi, non importa dove sono ora le tue mani, i tuoi capelli, le tue risate, io so che siamo ancora insieme.
My dear friend, I knew it was going to happen and indeed today you went away, as if on a long, long journey. You have left us bewildered to think we shall have to find ourselves on our own, without your words or the sky-blue look in your eyes - so clear and so deep.
Ciao, Gigi. It doesn't matter where your hands are now, your hair, your laughter - I know we are still together.
From Jens
Gigi was truly exceptional and that's why her spirit lives on. You have lots of good memories to give you strength and hope, just as she would want you to. Don't give up, she would not accept that you did.
From Sean
I have just learned with great sadness of the death of your beautiful wife and my dear friend Gigi.
There is nothing that can be said to soften the pain of your grief just now, so I will just offer you my prayers that you will have the strength to bear your loss.
Gigi was such a vibrant spirit. Her exuberance and loving disposition made life around her a constant joy and adventure. I only met you once, yet I felt that each of you embraced fully the unknowable mystery that is life. I guess the mystery just gets deeper.
My late wife loved Gigi since they met in Barcelona in 1995. She was for ever in her debt for having weaned her off cigarettes the following year.
As I think of these two gracious ladies, I am reminded of a short piece by Henry van Dyke. It's called 'A Parable of Immortality'.
'I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength, and I watch until at last she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says: 'There she goes!'.
Gone where? Gone from my sight... that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in me not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, 'There she goes!', there are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, 'Here she comes!'